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Global Manufacturer of Occupational Skin Care Products

Our suppliers

World Class Personal Skin Care Protection Products Brought to You by a Team of Skin Care Experts

As a leading global manufacturer of occupational skin care products for 30 years, HERWE offers physicians, safety engineers, and employees a high-quality, innovative, and customer-oriented product range.

Our entire product range is developed and produced in-house at our site in Sinsheim, Germany. Our quality management system (monitoring in accordance with ISO 9001) ensures optimal and efficient business processes. A GMP compliant manufacturing facility and efficient logistics processes ensure high quality and availability of our products. Our highly skilled sales and application technicians guarantee our customers a professionally high quality and integral consultation. Our products are tested for efficacy, and fulfill all the legal requirements.

Our owner-managed company focuses on creating long-term partnerships with national and international companies of all sizes and industrial sectors.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about HERWE products